How do I change the security role of a CCH Axcess™ Portal client user.

  1. Open the CCH Axcess Dashboard > application links > Firm > settings and defaults > portal > manage portal users.
  2. Search the client ID of a portal assigned to the portal user that you want to change the security rights of.
  3. Select the check box next to the user you want to edit and click the edit button.
  4. In portal access and security, find the row with the name of the portal that you want to change their security role for.
  5. In the Security User Role column, click the drop down and select the user role that you want to change their access to.
  6. Click okay.
The user should now have their rights changed. If it does not then have the user close out of the portal entirely and then navigate back to and log in again.

Here is our article that details the different functions that each user role can perform: What are the different types of security roles for portal users with integrated Portal for CCH Axcess™ Document or ProSystem fx Document?
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 Solution Id 000186802/000186802
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