How do I print returns from CCH ProSystem fx Tax to CCH ProSystem fx Portal?

  1. Open the return that you want to print.
  2. Click File > Print Entire Return.
  3. The Print Entire Return dialog appears.
    1. Check the copies that you want to print.
    2. In the Destination field for those copies, select To PDF File.
    3. Check Print to Portal.
    4. Click OK.
    5. In the Save PDF File As dialog window, verify the location the PDF will be saved locally.
    6. Verify the entries in the PDF file names.
    7. Click Save.
  4. The Publish File to Portal window appears.
    1. Select the Portal that you want to publish the PDF file to.
    2. Select the appropriate Storage folder for the selected Portal.
    3. Enter optional properties in the Set file properties section (i.e. file retention, portal edit mode, keywords).
    4. Click Apply to selected.
    5. Click Publish selected files.
    6. The Status column will change to Completed when the upload is complete.
    7. Click Close to exit the Publish File to Portal dialog.



  • Before printing to Portal, enter your Portal login credentials in Tax Preparation by going to Options > Interface Options > ProSystem fx Portal.
    • Once entered, you shouldn't need to re-enter them unless your login credentials change.
  • You can print to Portal from 2009 Tax Preparation and later.
  • You must be licensed for Portal to print to Portal.
  • The program that integrates Tax Preparation with Poral installs with workstation setup.
    • If you need to install it manually to a workstation, run ?:\Wfx32\PortalSU.exe (where ? is the drive that you install Tax Preparation to).
  • The option to print to Portal is active only when printing to PDF.
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