Error: "'Application Initialization failed. Could not load file or assembly" when attempting to use Microsoft Office Plug-ins for CCH Axcess™ Document.

This error may be received if either of the following conditions are true:

  • The CCH Axcess™ Document Office Plug-in being used is out of date and needs to be updated
  • The CCH Axcess™ Document Office Plug-in Framework has been damaged
  • A Microsoft Office update has failed to successfully complete.
  • A Microsoft Windows update has failed to successfully complete.
  • The firm purchased the affected system(s) with Windows 10 RS5, release 17763, which came bundled with Centennial Office, a version of Office once available through the Windows Store. 

 Updating the affected CCH Axcess™ Document Office Plug-in may resolve this issue.

If the error continues to occur after updating the affected Office plug-in, the Office Plug-in Framework may be damaged.  Use the following instructions to remove and reinstall the Office Plug-ins and Office Plug-ins Framework.

  1. Uninstall the Microsoft Office Plug-ins for CCH Axcess™ Document.
  2. Uninstall the Microsoft Office Plug-in Framework for CCH Axcess™ Document.
  3. Install the Microsoft Office Plug-in Framework for CCH Axcess™ Document.
  4. Install the Microsoft Office Plug-ins for CCH Axcess™ Document.

If the error continues after following the above steps, some firms have reported that they were able to resolve the errors after successfully completing an incomplete or failed Microsoft Windows update or Microsoft Office update.

The issue may also be caused by the installation of Centennial Office (even if the product was never activated), a Microsoft product installed on some pre-loaded computers. For further technical information on this and the , see Microsoft's article
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 Solution Id 000173239/000173239
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