How do I configure the custom client invoice options for CCH Axcess Tax?

The Custom Client Invoice allows you to set client invoice pricing for each form in a tax return. The program already has default prices listed and you have the option to override these amounts. Custom Client Invoices are configured at the return configuration set level, so changes made to it will affect all tax returns that belong to that return configuration set.

To set custom client invoice options, do the following:

  1. Open Dashboard, click Configuration on the navigation panel, and then click Return configuration sets under Tax.
  2. Expand a return configuration set on the navigation panel.
  3. Click Custom Client Invoice in the navigation panel.
  4. Select the preparation option to set the default type of custom client invoices to prepare for returns.
    • Do not prepare client billing statement. Suppresses client invoice production.
    • Detail with no amounts. Shows an itemized listing of each form and schedule prepared in the return. A single invoice amount will be listed at the bottom of the invoice. The amount is calculated based on the entries for Tax Preparation Fee, Fee Multiplier, Include in Client Fee, Amount Taxpayer Prepaid, Form Description, and Adjustment Description in the return itself. If there are no entries in those fields in the return, the amount is left blank.
      • Note: If you send invoice amounts from Tax to Practice, selecting Detail with no amounts sends a $0.00 value.
    • One line total fee. Shows a simplified, one line bill.  The invoice amount is calculated based on the Tax Preparation Fee, Fee Multiplier, Include in Client Fee, Form Description, and Adjustment Description.  If there are no entries in those fields in the return, the amount is left blank.
    • Custom fee schedule detail with amounts. Shows an itemized listing of each form and schedule prepared in the return. Each form will have a price listed next to it that is based on the price set in the Custom Client Invoice. If amounts are entered in the return for Tax Preparation Fee, Amount Taxpayer Prepaid, Form Description, and Adjustment Description, these amounts will be listed separately.
    • Custom fee schedule with total amount. Shows an itemized listing of each form and schedule prepared in the return, but no pricing amount will print next to each form. The total invoice amount is calculated based on the prices set for each form in the Custom Client Invoice. If amounts are entered in the return for Tax Preparation Fee, Amount Taxpayer Prepaid, Form Description, and Adjustment Description, these amounts will be listed separately.
    • Accountant copy only - detail with no amounts. Same as the Detail with no amount option and prints only in the Accountant copy.
    • Accountant copy only - one line total fee. Same as the One line total fee option and prints only in the Accountant copy.
    • Accountant copy only - custom fee schedule detail with amounts. Same as the Custom fee schedule detail with amounts option and prints only in the Accountant copy.
    • Accountant copy only - custom fee schedule with total amount. Same as the Custom fee schedule with total amount option and prints only in the Accountant copy.
  5. Enter the processing fee multiplier if needed.
    • The amount entered is multiplied by the net or gross client processing fee to determine the Total Fee/Computer Charge amount.
  6. Select from the following print options if needed.
    • Print fee calculation billing statement. Prints a detailed pricing sheet based on the catalog prices. This statement prints in the Accountant copy.
    • Print client ID on invoice. Prints the client ID above the invoice date on the invoice.
  7. Select an option to print the taxpayer phone number and/or email on the invoice.
  8. To edit the pricing table for the forms or schedules in returns follow these steps.
    • Select a Tax Year and Return Type.
      • Years that already have custom invoice pricing display in blue font.
    • Click Edit invoice to display the Client Invoice Pricing Table window.
      • You can enter custom amounts in the Override column for each form.
      • Click Add Items to add custom items to charge for.
      • Click Summary Override to enter an amount that overrides the individual from prices.  For example you can enter an amount to be applied to all main federal tax forms.
      • If needed, enter a greeting to appear on the client invoice.
  9. Click Save to save your changes and be returned to the return configuration set window.
  10. Click Save or Save & Close to save the changes made to the return configuration set. 

Additional Information:

  • To preview or print custom client invoices in returns, select Print > Print Return Sections from the Application menu, and then Preparer Reports > Client Invoices on the Print Return Sections window.
  • You can override the return configuration set custom client invoice options for specific returns  in the General > Return Options > Invoice Options worksheet.
  • After editing form and record pricing, and then saving the return configuration set, you can edit form and record pricing for additional tax year and return type combinations in the same return configuration set.
  • Depending on the selections made for the Custom Client Invoice, you may see a "Computer Charge" appear on the client invoice.  For information, go to our article on preventing the computer charge from appearing on client invoices.
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 Solution Id 000188558/sw39574
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