How are print sets used to manage the preparation of correspondence in CCH Axcess Tax?

Return print sets customize the conditions that documents print for each tax product, tax authority, and copy type. Return print sets can also determine the order in which documents, including correspondence, print and suppress the printing of documents. Your firm can assign a return print set as the default for an organizational unit (office, business unit, or region). Clients assigned to an organizational unit with a selected return print set inherit that return print set when creating tax returns. See our article on how to associate custom letter templates to a print set for more information.

Organizer print sets customize the conditions that Organizer documents print for each Individual and Fiduciary tax product, according to a tax authority and tax year combination. Organizer print sets can also determine the order in which documents print and suppress the printing of documents.

The system includes a default return print set and a default Organizer print set. You can create custom print sets for your firm.

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