How do I send documents in bulk for electronic signature in CCH® eSign?

Within Assuresign there are now two different methods for sending documents in bulk.
The first is the desktop application and the second is a web-based module located on the AssureSign website.

  • Documents selected for bulk send are prepared from Document Templates crated In AssureSign.
  • 'Send to AssureSign' is a desktop application that you can use to send a document to multiple clients for electronic signature.
To send a batch of documents using the desktop application, do the following:
  1. Open Send to AssureSign.
  2. Go to Add > From Template.
  3. Choose the appropriate template and click Add.
    • Note: If the template is not listed, you will need to refresh the template cache.
      1. Click Options.
      2. Select Templates (tab).
      3. Click Refresh.
      4. Click Save.
    • Continue from step 2.
  4. Add or edit any JotBlock.
    • Add by right-clicking in the blank space and selecting Add JotBlock.
    • Edit by right-clicking on an existing JotBlock and selecting Properties.
  5. Click Bulk Send.
    • Select the appropriate template and click Next.
    • Click Export Layout.
      • This will produce a csv file on the computer to fill in the clients information.
    • Click Browse to navigate out to the completed csv file.
    • Click Open.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Validate Without Process to ensure the csv file is valid in format.
  8. Click Process to validate an process at the same time.

To send documents using the web-based module do the following:
  1. Navigate to
  2. On the home screen select bulk send
  3. This will take you to the Bulk Send interface it will show you previous documents that were sent using bulk send
  4. Select create new instance
  5. Select a template from the template list
  6. Name the instance
  7. Then you must upload a CSV file with the bulk send data
    1. We recommend not including labeled column headers if using this method of bulk send        
      1. Make sure the box labeled "my data has labeled column headers is unchecked" this can cause errors
    2. This data should include: first name, last name, and email
There is the option to add some additional fields, map the data and preview the data once it has been mapped
  1. The last section is scheduling to send, you can either opt to send the data immediately or set it for a specific date and time.


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