How do I find which version of CCH® ProSystem fx® Tax that I have installed?

There are multiple methods to check what version of tax is installed.

In Tax Preparation

  1. ​Open the year Tax Prep that you want the version for.
  2. Open any return.
  3. Click Help > About Tax Prep.

In Office Manager

  1. Open Office Manager.
  2. Click Tools > Version.
    • The Version window may take a couple of minutes to open. It is gathering the version number from each of the tax years that you have installed.
  3. In the top Applications window, scroll down to the given year in question.


  1. Browse to ?:\Wfx32 (? is the drive that ProSystem fx Tax is installed to)
  2. In Wfx32, open ctx.ini.
    • The versions of tax installed display under the first section [Current Release Number].

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 Solution Id 000198926/How-do-I-find-which-version-of-CCH-ProSystem-fx-Tax-that-I-have-installed
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