How do I manually convert .xls / .doc documents to the newer .xlsx / .docx format in CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager?

Warning! Do not use the Microsoft® Excel® or Word native Convert function as this may cause data loss. CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager will display an “Unable to open this workpaper because the file does not exist” error when opening the binder. Please see Converting documents from Microsoft® Office .doc and .xls to .docx and .xlsx formats in CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager can lead to loss of data for more information.

Engagement and Workpaper Manager v7.1 introduced an option to convert Microsoft® Office .xls / .doc workpapers to .xlsx / .docx when creating a new binder from roll forward or from copying and pasting a binder. In roll forward, the option is provided in the Verify Workpaper Roll Forward Settings screen of the wizard. Please see How do I convert Microsoft® Excel® and Word workpapers to the latest file format during roll forward in CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager for more information on converting workpapers.

If unable to convert the files when rolling forward or copying a binder, follow the instructions below:   

  1. Open the existing file from the Binder.
  2. In the Microsoft® Excel® or Word file, use the Save As option.    
  3. Change the Save As type to Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) or Word Document (*.docx).    
  4. Save the new file to a location outside of the Binder.
    • i.e., the Desktop.    
  5. Insert the new (.xlsx) or (.docx) workpaper into the Binder using New Workpaper From File
  6. Delete the original file from the Binder.


  • If the original Microsoft® Excel® file contains OLE Links, they will have to be recreated in the new document.
  • This process will NOT work for:
    • Trial Balances
    • TB Reports
    • Knowledge Coach documents.
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 Solution Id 000178150/sw29881
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