What are the firewall exceptions for Practice Management?

The following are exceptions that need to be added to the Windows Firewall (Inbound Rules) to allow the workstations to connect to SQL on your server:

SQL Browser Exception:

  1. Go to Start>Run and type in "services.msc" and hit OK.
  2. Find the service named "SQL Server Browser" and right-click on it and go to Properties.
  3. Note the "path to executable."
  4. Within your firewall, you want to browse out to the sqlbrowser.exe and add it to your exceptions list.


SQL Server Exception:

  1. Go to Start>Run and type in "services.msc" and hit OK.
  2. Find the service named "SQL Server ("Instancename")"
    • Note-if you followed our install instructions this service would be called SQL Server (PRACTICEMGT).  Right-click on this service and go to Properties.
  3. Note the "path to executable."
  4. Within your firewall, you want to browse out to the sqlservr.exe and add it to your exceptions list.

Note: Depending on your networks security configuration, you may need to add exceptions for ports 1433 (TCP) and 1434 (UDP).

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