What are the best practices for using CCH® ProSystem fx® Knowledge Coach?

Below are some of the best practices for using CCH ProSystem fx Knowledge Coach:

Binder refresh for diagnostics:
When opening a binder, Knowledge Coach will ask if a refresh of the binder diagnostics would like to be performed. Refreshing only when necessary can increase efficiency.

  • Refresh binder diagnostic when:
    • Actively working on an engagement.
    • The binder in the central file room was recently synchronized, or if someone in the firm made recently made changes to the workpapers.
    • A binder has just been rolled forward.
    • Opening a binder that has not been worked on in awhile.


  • It is not useful to refresh binder diagnostics when:
    • Briefly opening a binder to print something, or to reference a document that has been filled out.
    • For Reviewers: When a complete copy of the binder is provided, and the binder diagnostics have been refreshed once, do not refresh the binder diagnostics on subsequent opens if the binder has not been synched.


Pause Refresh:

  • The manual refresh button is now the toggle refresh button.
    • Used to turn off auto refresh but can still be used for manual refresh.
    • Orange highlight indicator notifies when the auto refresh is paused.
    • When the workpaper is closed, saved or focus shifted away from the workpaper, auto-refresh will occur.
  • Examples of when to use Pause Refresh (not a complete list):
    • KBA-901
    • KBA-400


Copying information within a Knowledge Coach workpaper:

  1. When copying text from one cell in a table in a Knowledge Coach Word workpaper to another cell, the ability to select and copy the character text in the cell by marking with a mouse, or by double and triple-clicking will not work.
    • There are two ways to properly select the text:
      • Using Microsoft Word content control:
        • Make sure to select the blue bar with the white dots on the left-hand side of the content control to completely select it.
      • Select the entire cell by highlighting it:
        • Hover the mouse over the upper left-hand corner of the cell until a black arrow appears, then click.
  2. Type CTRL + C or choose Copy from the clipboard group on the Home ribbon in the Word workpaper to copy.
  3. Navigate to the cell where the copied text would like to be pasted, then place the cursor inside the cell.
  4. Either type CTRL+ ALT + V or choose Paste > Paste Special from the Clipboard group on the Home ribbon in the Word workpaper. 
  5. In the Paste Special Dialog window, select Unformatted Text then select OK to paste the text.

Copying information from another application into Knowledge Coach:

  1. Select the text in the other application, then copy the contents using CTRL + C or the applicable function.
  2. Navigate to the cell where the copied information would like to be pasted in the Knowledge Coach workpaper, then place the cursor inside the cell.
  3. Either type CTRL + ALT + V or choose Paste > Paste Special from the Clipboard group on the Home ribbon in the Word workpaper.  
  4. In the Paste Special dialog window, select Unformatted Text, then select OK to paste the text. 

Click here for How do I copy and paste information in Knowledge Coach workpapers?


Run-Time Errors:

If receiving a Microsoft Visual Basic run-time error that says "run-time error '4198':  Command failed, press the End button. 

  • Confirm that the copied text is being pasting into an editable text field, then refer back to the best practices above. 
  • The runtime error will not have any ill effects on the Knowledge Coach workpaper or data.
    • Note: Improperly copying and pasting information within and into Knowledge Coach workpapers can result in inconsistent results, and some pasted information may not be retained.


Data Flow:

  • Use the Drill Down buttons (little blue arrows) to find the source of the flowed information.
  • Use answer effects to see where the flow will go.


Diagnostic Tips:

  • Use the Find feature located under Diagnostics in the Knowledge Coach ribbon to find a diagnostic associated with a cell.
  • To find the cell associated with the diagnostic, select the Drill Down button (little blue arrow). 
  • To more efficiently work the diagnostics, use the Filter feature (only available within workpapers).


Knowledge Coach Shared Services:

  • In Knowledge Coach, to restart and clean out the shared services, restarting the computer is no longer needed. Closing the last Knowledge Coach binder will restart the shared services.
  • In Knowledge Coach version 1.8 and higher, when closing Engagement, the Knowledge Coach Shared Services will shut down automatically. This will free up computer resources for other operations.


Save Knowledge Coach Workpaper option from binder view:

  • If Microsoft Word crashes when using Knowledge Coach, before closing the binder, use the Save Knowledge Coach Answers option in the binder view under the Tools Menu. This saves all data within tables.
    • Note: This will not work for tables in Knowledge Coach Excel workpapers.


Roll Forward Indicators:

It is important that after checking the roll forward indicators for a cell or table, users turn the indicators off and do not leave them in the workpaper. This prevents any possible issues during the roll forward due to the indicator being present in the workpaper.


Using Hyperlinks:

  • Inserting TB Links into a Knowledge Coach workpaper is not supported.
  • Inserting Name and Date functions into a Knowledge Coach workpaper is not supported.
  • Using Hyperlinks is not supported.
  • Workpaper references are designed to be able to be used within the Knowledge Coach workpapers and can be added from the right-click menu in the field. 
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