How is CCH Axcess™ Tax Correspondence Manager different when accessed inside a return?

Correspondence Manager accessed from Dashboard. Three libraries, Letter Templates Library, Paragraph Library, and Keyword Library, display on the navigation panel. The content of each library is applicable to the tax year and return type that are selected on the navigation panel. All standard and custom letter templates and paragraphs are listed in their respective library and are organized by letter type. The Keyword Library displays all keywords defined by the system.

The Condition Editor allows you to set conditions that specify the criteria that must be met for letter templates and paragraphs to render in tax returns. The Grammar Variable Editor is similar in appearance and function to the Condition Editor. This editor allows you to select the words to use as grammar variables and set the parameters for how they are to be applied in your correspondence.

Correspondence Manager accessed from a return. Letters and Filing Instructions replaces the Letter Templates Library and lists the letter types and letters applicable to the return. All letters that are enabled for each letter type are rendered and can be viewed.  Letters that are selected to print with returns are denoted with an asterisk (*). The Paragraph Library organizes standard paragraphs defined by the system as well as any custom paragraphs. Only those paragraphs that are rendered for the selected letter display in the paragraph tree. The Keyword Library displays keywords defined by the system as well as data populated from the open return. The data includes keywords that are in the paragraphs in the rendered letter and keywords in paragraphs that can be used as alternatives.
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