Microsoft Word freezes up when trying to do any type of formatting.

If the following does not resolve the problem, see this article from Microsoft (click here).

  • Rename or Delete the (Normal.dotm) located at "C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates."
  • Start Microsoft Word in Safe Mode, and uncheck any 3rd party addins (i.e. Adobe PDF Maker).
    1. Press WINDOWS KEY + R.
    2. Type WinWord.exe /safe in the Open command line.
    3. Go To the addins, and uncheck any 3rd party addins (i.e. Adobe PDF Maker).
      • Office 2007 - Office Icon > Word Options > Addins.
      • Office 2010 and up - File > Options > Addins.
        • Change Manage to "Com Add-ins" and  then "Word Add-ins."
        • Uncheck any 3rd Party addins (i.e. Adobe PDF Maker).

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 Solution Id 000185663/sw22892
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