What is the Post-Installation Checklist for CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager?

After completing the installation, perform the following tasks, as applicable:

  1. Verify that all administrative users have full access to the Admin Share folder on the office server.
  • This folder, which is created during the installation, is shared by default.
  • The networks administrator must ensure that all administrative users have full rights to that location.
    • Admin Share folder is used for logging purposes.
    • The Administrator module writes to "x:\Pfx Engagement\Admin\Admin Share."
  • The program will still work even if the system cannot write to the log files.
    • Administrator actions may still be performed.
  • For logging and troubleshooting purposes, it is strongly recommend that Admin users be given rights to this folder.
    • This will allow the system to properly log all Administrator actions.
  1. The installation process sets the CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager folder permissions automatically.
    • These rights are needed for Engagement or Workpaper Manager to function optimally.
    • The installation gives the "Users" group all rights except Full Control.
    • These rights are inherited by all child objects so that all folders and subfolders receive these same rights.
  2. If any services on the central file room server were set to log in with administrator rights, they will have been replaced during the upgrade and will need to be reset. 
    • In many cases, the Central Fileroom Workpapers will be stored on a file server that is not the same as the server that hosts the Administrator module for Engagement or Workpaper Manager. In these cases the PfxSynPftService is set to a Domain Admin(or service account with permissions to the remote folder).
  3. All binder templates will need to be converted to the new version.
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 Solution Id 000174130/sw2581
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