"Subscript out of range 9 epace20" when opening or refreshing Trial Balance reports in CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement or Workpaper Manager.

If during the refresh process of a Trial Balance Report another open Excel workpaper is selected, you may see a series of error messages and the information on both the Trial Balance Report and the selected Excel workpaper will appear to have been corrupted. This issue has been reported for both Microsoft Office 2010 and 2013.

  • The refresh process cannot be completed at this time. Close any Engagement windows that may be open and try manually refreshing the document using the Refresh command.
  • ePace20: Subscript out of range 9 ePace20
  • Error # 0 was generated by

During the refresh process of a TB Report, data is copied to the Windows Clipboard. When the other workpaper is selected, it is considered the target workpaper and data is pasted to the workpaper instead of the TB Report.

Warning: Do not save either the Trial Balance Report or the other workpaper. If the TB Report or the workpaper are not saved when closing the corruption, it will not be saved.

  • To avoid this situation, please allow the Engagement refresh process to complete before selecting other workpapers.
  • This situation may also be avoided if the option to 'Launch separate instances of Excel (Dual monitors)' is checked in the Engagement Tools > Options > Launch separate instances of Excel (Dual monitors).
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 Solution Id 000175657/sw44588
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