How do I customize an organizer in CCH ProSystem fx Tax?

  1. Open Production Processing.
  2. Click Process Client Organizer.
  3. Select Customize Organizer and click OK.
  4. Select the appropriate tax year and  tax product and click OK.
  5. In the "Customize Organizer" table you have the following options:
    • Entity - Defaults to federal. You can select another entity by selecting from among those installed on your system.
    • Insert - Click to insert a custom organizer form or letter in the list of standard organizers.
    • Edit - Click to change the print option of the highlighted organizer.
    • Delete - Click to remove the highlighted customized form or letter from the list. (Customized forms only.)
    • Print Form - Click to print one copy of the highlighted organizer form.
    • Print Table - Click to print a hard copy of the custom print options for the currently displayed organizer forms.
    • Reset - Click to restore the list of organizers to their default print options.
  6.  Once your organizer is customized click OK to save the changes.

Note: Any customization must be done prior to creating organizers.  Changes made to the custom organizer will not affect organizers already created.  Organizers would need to be re-created for the customized organizers to be used.

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 Solution Id 000198936/kb246
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