How do I migrate CCH® Prosystem fx® Practice Management to a new server?

Warning! Prior to changing SQL server, verify that a current backup exists for the SQL Database(s) being moved.  Failure to do this step may result in complete loss of data. 

This article applies to Practice Management versions 2007 and higher.

On the Current Server

  1. Log in to the Administration module of Practice Management.
  2. Click Help > View Active Processes to verify that you are the only person logged in to the program.
    • Once verified, select Disable logons and close this window.
  3. Click Help > About ProSystem fx Practice Management
  4. Make note of the version of Practice Management that you are currently using
  5. Click Additional Info.
  6. Make note of the Host Server name and Host Database name.
    • We want to verify that the correct database will be selected during the backup process.
    • We'll use these names in steps below.
  7. Close Practice Management.
  8. Browse to the CPAS\VPM folder and run cpasSQLUtil.exe.
  9. On the Logon window, select the Host Server name you noted in the Additional Info window of Step 6. 
  10. Select SQL Server Authentication, enter SA for the Username and PracticeUser1 for the password.
    • These credentials will be different if you installed your own SQL instance separately.
  11. Click Logon.
  12. Right-click on your database name from Step 6 above and choose Backup Database.
  13. Select a local location to save the backup to, and click Save.
    • Do not save to your Windows Desktop or any other profile related directory.
    • Make sure that .bak is listed in the file name when saving
  14. Close cpasSQLUtil.exe.
  15. Browse to CPAS\VPM and make copies of the CPASTemplates, Images, Permkey, RTF, and UserTemplates(if it exist) folders.
  16. Copy the backup of the database and the folders listed above to a location on the new server.

On the New Server

  1. Open Software Delivery Manager.
  2. Select the Full Install for Practice Management and click Start Download.
  3. Once downloaded, click View downloaded file in Windows and launch the installer.
  4. Click OK on the extraction screen.
  5. Select Install ProSystem fx Practice Management.
    • If your server is not a Domain Controller and you are not installing your own version of SQL you will select both Application and SQL Components to install.
    • If your server is a Domain Controller or you are installing your own version of SQL, only select to install Application components.
  6. Choose the location to install the application to.
    • This should be changed from the default to a share that the users have full (read and write) control of.
  7. Select your permission key.
    • Download it from our website or point to the permkey folder you copied over from the old server in the Step 16 above.
  8. Enter the database server name which will be “yournewservername”\PRACTICEMGT.
  9. Enter the database name that you used on your old sever (the database name that you noted from the Additional Info window from Step 6 on the old server).
  10. Click Install.
  11. Once the install finishes, click Exit.
    • Important! If your server is a Domain Controller, complete the following steps.
    • You will need to install the SQL portion of the install manually.
      2. Click here for instructions on how to manually install a SQL instance for Practice Management.
      3. Note: You will use your email and password you have registered with our website to access this document.
  12. Browse to the share you installed Practice Management to and run a workstation setup (CPAS\SETUP\VPM\SETUP.EXE).
  13. Browse to CPAS\VPM and run cpasSQLUtil.exe.
  14. On the Logon window, select “newservername”\PRACTICEMGT.
  15. Select SQL Server Authentication, enter SA for the Username and PracticeUser1 for the password.
    • These credentials will be different if you installed your own SQL instance separately.
  16. Go to Database > Restore.
  17. Locate the .bak file you brought over from the old server and click Open.
    • This location has to be local to the machine.
    • This location cannot be on the Windows Desktop or any other profile directory.
  18. Once the database has restored, click File > Accounts > Assign User Account.
    • The Account will be your database name.
    • Password should be Today123456789  but the password must be at least 8 alpha-numeric characters containing at least 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter and 1 number. Special characters are not allowed. (You may need to use more characters if your domain's group policy requires longer passwords) 
  19. Choose your database name from the dropdown.
  20. Click Save.
  21. Close cpasSQLUtil.exe.
  22. If the version of Practice Management on the new server is a newer version than what was on the old server, browse to CPAS\VPM\UPDATES and run Versiondb.exe.
  23. Replace the CPASTemplates, RTF, Images, and UserTemplates(if applicable) folders inside of CPAS\VPM with the folders copied over in Step 16 on the old server.

Warning! If you are going to leave your Windows Firewall on at your new server you will need to set up exceptions and inbound rules for SQL.

At Your Workstations

  1. Delete the pmnet.ini files located in the Users directory on the workstations.
  2. Rerun workstation setup on all machines from new server located in 'CPAS\SETUP\VPM\SETUP.EXE'.
If your invoices have images in the Header or Footer, follow this article to correct the image path location from the old  location to the image location.  How to change the invoice logo location
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 Solution Id 000209088/sw30596
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