How do I add the Checklist Organizer forms to my Organizers?

  1. Open Production Processing.
  2. Select Process Client Organizers.
  3. Select Customize Organizer and click OK.
  4. Select the Tax year, Tax product and click OK.
  5. Within Customize Organizer table, highlight the various CL forms that you want to print and select Edit.
  6. Select either Print Always or Print if Data and press OK.
  7. Select to suppress the standard organizer forms by highlighting them and selecting Edit just as you did in step above with the CL form.
  8. When you are finished making your changes to the Customize Organizer table, click OK to save your changes.

Note: Any changes made to the Customize Organizer table will be applied to any Organizers created after the table is saved. Changes to the table will not affect any Organizers that have already been created.

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 Solution Id 000182018/sw7847
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