How do I verify and uninstall duplicate installations of CCH® ProSystem fx® Scan Administrator?

If jobs do not show in Scan Administrator or the Scan Workstation queue but can be seen in the Import folder(s), there is likely more than one machine on the network acting as the Scan Administrator. To verify and uninstalled duplicate installations, do the following:
  1. Open Scan Administrator.
  2. Click the General Settings tab.
  3. Look at the Install Status field. If license violations or additional machines exist, Scan Administrator must be uninstalled from one or more machines.
  4. Click Help > About.
  5. The additional machines with an installation of Scan Administrator are listed as Active Servers.
  6. Go to each of these machines and uninstall CCH ProSystem fx Scan Administrator.
  7. After each uninstall, reboot the machine.
  8. Reboot the original Scan Administrator machine. 
  9. Verify jobs are now processing.
  • If Scan Workstation was installed from a computer that had Scan Administrator uninstalled, Scan Workstation needs to be reinstalled pointing to the remaining Scan Administrator computer.
  • If jobs still do not process after completing this procedure, see our article on other resolutions for jobs in the Import folder not processing.
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 Solution Id 000220231/000071199
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