CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Overview of Client Collaboration

  • Article Type:
  • Documentation
  • Last Modified:
  • 12/04/2023


Provides an overview of Client Collaboration.


  • CCH Axcess
  • CCH Axcess Client Collaboration


Client Collaboration brings the best products of the CCH Axcess suite together in a complete and comprehensive workflow design. 

  • Kick off 1040 Engagements through a batch creation process that allows you to create a customized engagement letter and digital online tax organizer.
  • Taxpayers can log in to a centralized client hub that contains everything they need for you to prepare their tax return.
  • Starting with the engagement letter once again, taxpayers can electronically sign it through our integrated eSign tool.
  • The tax engagement continues to the digital organizer and pro forma document request list.
  • To wrap up the engagement, the taxpayer can use eSign to sign the 8879, then have the return delivered to their hub.

Video Table of Contents

Click one of the links to jump to that video. Click the Return to Top link to return to this table of content list.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Getting Started with your Tax Organizer - [Return to Top]

The Tax Organizer in Client Collaboration has been split into a questionnaire and a related document request list. Learn how to navigate and complete the tax organizer.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Creating your User ID & Logging into your Collaboration Hub - [Return to Top]

Learn how to create your user ID and log into the Collaboration Hub for the first time.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Electronically Sign your Engagement Letter - [Return to Top]

Let us guide you through applying an electronic signature to your engagement letter.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Personal Information: About You - [Return to Top]

Learn the basics of the Personal Information section and completing Step 1: About You.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Personal Information: Dependents - [Return to Top]

Continue to navigate through your Personal Information section and complete Step 2: Dependents.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Personal Information: Electronic Funds - [Return to Top]

Move to the Electronic Funds step in your Personal Information section.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Personal Information: Taxable Events - [Return to Top]

Finish the Personal Information section by answering Taxable Event questions.  This section will formulate the remainder of your Questionnaire.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Completing and Adding Taxable Event Tiles - [Return to Top]

Questionnaire tiles are driven by the Taxable Events, learn how to complete and add new event tiles when needed.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Adding Tax Payments - [Return to Top]

Learn how to add your estimated tax payments to the Taxes tile.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Completing Business, Rental & Farm Schedules - [Return to Top]

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Questionnaire - Notes to Accountant - [Return to Top]

Do you have additional information, questions or concerns you need to discuss with your tax professional?  Learn how to leave notes in this lesson.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Document Request List - Overview - [Return to Top]

The Document Request List will show you what documents are required to prepare your tax return.  This short lesson will provide you with an overview of the Request List.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Document Request List - Attaching Documents - [Return to Top]

Learn the various methods for attaching documents to complete the items on your document request list.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Document Request List - Using Quick Notes - [Return to Top]

What happens if you don't have a document to attach for a request list item?  Add a quick note.

CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration: Completing your Organizer - [Return to Top]

When you're done with all of your tax tasks, send it to your accountant so they can begin your tax return.

Additional Information

A video to help your clients get started with the Client Collaboration Hub is available in the article Introduction to the CCH Axcess™ Client Collaboration Hub.
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 Solution Id 000218735/000102917
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