How do I create a new engagement in CCH Axcess™ Knowledge Coach?

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 11/05/2022


To be able to create new engagements in CCH Axcess Knowledge Coach.


  • CCH Axcess
  • CCH Axcess Knowledge Coach


This video shows how to create new engagements in CCH Axcess™ Knowledge Coach.

By default, Knowledge Coach adds the necessary foundation forms to new engagements. It also opens the new engagement to AUD-100 Engagement-Level Tailoring Questions in the engagement. If you are prepared to answer the tailoring questions, you can do so immediately. If not, you can exit the engagement. When you are ready to work on the new engagement, you can find it on the All Engagements page.

To create a new engagement in CCH Axcess Knowledge Coach, do the following:
  1. From the All Engagements screen, click Start New Engagement.
  2. In Client name, begin typing the client name or ID. As you type, the system displays clients that are potential matches. When you see the one you need, click it.
    • Note: Clients must be set up in Client Manager before they can be selected for an engagement. You cannot create new clients in Knowledge Coach. See the CCH Axcess Administration Manager help for more information.
  3. In Engagement name, enter the name.
  4. In Period end date, enter or select a year end date for the engagement.
  5. In Industry, select the appropriate option from the drop down list.
  6. Click Continue to create the engagement.
  7. On the Recent Engagements screen, click the engagement name to open this new engagement.
    • Note: The first time the engagement is opened, you will be guided to the AUD-100 Engagement-Level Tailoring Questions.
  8. Complete the following as appropriate:
    • If you do not want to make any changes to the form at this time, click to return to the All Engagements page, or click the engagement name in the navigation bar above the form to go to the engagement view.
    • Review the form information and complete the tailoring questions.
      • Tip: If this is your first time using Knowledge Coach, it might be helpful to read Common Elements in Knowledge Coach Forms to help familiarize yourself with the elements that are available in forms.
    • Add or delete forms.
    • Review any diagnostics that have been identified.
  9. To save the changes you made to the engagement and make them viewable by other staff members, click Submit All Changes.

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