How do I cross check tasks in the aging report in CCH Axcess™ Workflow?

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 11/05/2022


Learn how to use Power BI Analytics and cross checking the Aging Report in CCH Axcess Workflow.


  • CCH Axcess Workflow
  • Power BI Analytics


Aging Report – Cross Check Tasks

The CCH Axcess Workflow Power BI application offers complete analytics for tasks through its powerful reporting feature. The Aging report in the Power BI Analytics shows the duration for which a task has remained in a specific state. This information is displayed for specific status groups.

Check for Consistency with CCH Axcess Workflow tasks

There is a need to cross-check the data in the analytics with the task data in your CCH Axcess Workflow account for the following reasons.

  1. To ensure that the Tasks in the Aging report are consistent with the data in your CCH Axcess Workflow Account. Such a consistency check confirms that the Aging report is accurate and up-to-date. 
  2. To enable the Analytics team to diagnose and resolve problems quickly and efficiently when a pre-check of the task count has already been performed.

As a best practice, it is advisable to check for consistency periodically to ensure that the report retrieves the correct and most recent data.

Procedure to Cross Check Tasks

To be able to check if the tasks that are displayed in the analytics are the same as the tasks in your CCH Axcess Workflow account, you can follow the procedure given below.

Step 1

Access the Aging Report>Aging Report (CY)+PY Task Aging report from the left pane of your home screen. Make a note of the CY No Info that is displayed in the top bar. Since this report displays data status-wise, we need to compare task counts for a specific status against the same status in the CCH Axcess Workflow account.

Step 2

Click on Aging Report>Mapping and make a note of the task types displayed in the Task Types Selected For analysis table.

Step 3

Log in to CCH Axcess Workflow and access Utilities>Setup Utilities>Manage Task Types. Check whether the Standard and Directly related task types are selected for the Tax category. This ensures that when you perform an Advanced Search, the selected task types are displayed as options in the Task Type to include filter.

Step 4

Click on the Advanced Search icon from the top bar.

Step 5

Perform an Advanced Search. The following criteria serve as an example.
  1. Set the Year filter to 2019.
  2. Select Tax from the Task Category drop-down.
  3. Set the Status to include filter to No Info In.
  4. Select all Standard and Directly related task types in the Task Type to include filter. The task types that you select here need to match the task types that are displayed in Step 2.
  • You can save the search with the specified criteria to quickly run subsequent search queries.

Step 6

Make a note of the number of tasks fetched in the Search Results.

Step 7

Compare this count with the CY No Info in the Power BI report.
A matching task count indicates that the data in the Aging Report is accurate and most recent.

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