How do I set up the RAS site in CCH Axcess™ Workflow?

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 11/05/2022


Learn about mapping workflows, scheduler status grouping, and RAS user rights in CCH Axcess Workflow.


  • XCM
  • CCH Axcess Workflow
  • Resource Allocation Scheduler


RAS Site Set Up

Mapping Workflow

Workflows need to be mapped for every Task Type that you wish to activate within the RAS.
From the Utilities menu, select Setup Utilities > Manage Workflow Mapping. This opens the Manage Workflow Mapping page where you can map Task Type workflows.
Make sure that roles have been assigned to statuses that are controlled by CCH Axcess Workflow RAS.
When you move a Task to a status (that is not an administrator or unassigned status), the Task should be moved to a role (such as Tax Preparer, Tax Reviewer). This will keep your RAS clean when identifying who has the Task.

Task Page – Staffing  

The roles within the Task page that are listed within your workflows should have users assigned to those roles.

Scheduler Status Grouping 

CCH Axcess Workflow RAS firm settings are included under the Scheduler Status Grouping section. 
From the Utilities menu, select Setup Utilities > Manage Settings and Defaults > Scheduler Status Grouping.
For those firms that have multiple locations, you can standardize your CCH Axcess Workflow RAS setup across multiple locations, or customize CCH Axcess Workflow RAS on a per location basis.

Status Location: Customize through different locations, or standardize throughout all locations. 
Task Category: This setting is organized via the task categories. Once you choose a category, only the Tasks Types and statuses related to that category will appear in steps 1-3.
Make sure all Task Types have a workflow mapping. If the Task Type does not have a workflow mapping, that Task Type will not appear in Step 1, within the Task Type Pick List (see Figure that below).
Hide statuses that are not considered “In Process” so that the RAS results will be as accurate as possible and contain only pertinent information. Use the screenshots below as a framework of which statuses to remove from the RAS. You can update these settings at any time.

Manage User

From the Utilities menu, select Setup Utilities> Manage Settings and Defaults > Manage User.

The Manage User section of the Manage Settings and Defaults utility enables you to update your filters relating to the scheduler module.

You can delete or modify the default filters shown below. The list for Expertise, Industry, Department, Title/Level, and/or Niche/Group should be relevant to your firm’s terminology. Using these lists, you can search by users (i.e. filter only seniors to show in the RAS).

Firm Display Calendar Schedule

Calendar Scheduler settings for RAS are included under Firm Display Calendar Schedule. To access this utility, select Utilities −>Setup Utilities −>Manage Settings and Defaults −> Firm Display Calendar Schedule −> RAS Settings.  
In the RAS Settings section, you can specify:
  • The number of days for which the scheduled calendar hours are to be displayed in the RAS search results page. 
  • Whether the RAS search results should also include those tasks that were scheduled through the Calendar Scheduler.
  • The Role to be displayed as a column for tasks in the RAS search results page.

User Rights

CCH Axcess Workflow RAS is user right driven. Multiple user rights provide flexibility, so various users can access different RAS views. Only one RAS user right can be selected per user.
From the Utilities menu, select User Utilities > Manage Users. This opens the Manage Users page.
To grant a particular user the rights to CCH Axcess Workflow RAS Scheduler, open the user’s profile from the Manage Users utility.
The following table describes the CCH Axcess Workflow  RAS scheduler user rights available, their descriptions and the best practices when configuring user rights and roles for CCH Axcess Workflow RAS.
User Right NameUser Right DescriptionsBest Practice
RAS – All Schedules – View and ReassignThe user sees all users in the  grid and can reassign work and use the View Tasks To Be Scheduled  page to schedule work.Scheduler, Admin, Partner, Manager
RAS – My Schedule – View OnlyThe user sees only the Tasks where he is listed on the routing sheet and does not view other user’s tasks. The user cannot reassign or schedule work.Staff, Senior
RAS – My Clients – ReassignThe user sees only the Tasks where he is listed on the routing sheet and does not view (see) other user’s tasks. The user can reassign Tasks, but cannot use the View Tasks To Be Scheduled page to schedule work.Partner, Manager
RAS – All Schedules – View OnlyUser can see all user’s schedules in the RAS grid but cannot reassign work or use the View Tasks To Be Scheduled page to schedule work.Staff, Senior
RAS ResourceThe user is displayed in the RAS grid and can be scheduled for tasks.  Staff 
Update the Expertise, Industry, Department, Title/Level, and/or Niche/Group to help filter on who you are scheduling for (very useful when searching for a particular level (staff, senior, etc.) within the RAS.


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