How do I create a Recurring Pattern in CCH Axcess™ Workflow?

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 11/05/2022


Learn how to create a recurring pattern in CCH Axcess Workflow.


  • CCH Axcess Workflow
  • Recurring Tasks


Create Recurrence Pattern

  1. Within Task Utilities > Manage Recurring Tasks, use the filters to find your task(s).
    • Note: You can add recurrence patterns in bulk as long as all recurrence information is the same.
  2. Click Create Recurring Task, to open Recurring Tasks window. This window contains four sections: CarryForward Options, Period End Recurrence Pattern, Start Date for Recurring Task, and Default Task Settings.
    • CarryForward Options: Choose the pages/areas within the task you want to roll forward from one task to the next.
    • Period End Recurrence Pattern: The options available are:
      • Cancel Recurrence 
      • Daily: Provide the option to create every X number of days or weekdays. 
      • Weekly: Choose every X weeks on a specific day of the week. 
      • Monthly: Allows you to choose a specific day for every X numbers of months. This would be used for true quarterlies running on the last day of every 3 months. Note: Enter 31 for the last day of the month, XCM will recognize when a month ends in a 28, 29 or 30. 
      • Yearly: Allows for the choice of a specific day and month of every year. 
      • Special Option: Allows hard coding of six specific days. This is used for quarterly tasks, that don’t fall under the true quarterly schedule. For example,  Period End/Due dates equal to 3/15, 6/15, 9/15, 1/15.
    • Start Date for Recurring Task: Should be equal to the very next PE/Due Date. 
      • Date the Recurrence should start
      • Period End of Last Recurring Task Created
      • Date Last Recurring Task Created
    • Default Task Settings (Optional):  
      • Task Description
      • Assign to Responsible Person or Choose the user to whom the Recurring Task should be pushed.
      • Generate Tasks () days before PE Date of the new task. This is when you want XCM to create the task specified. Example, if you enter 15 in this field and the PE Date is 9/15 XCM will create the task 15 days in advance, on 9/1.
      • Generate Tasks () days after PE Date of the new task. This is when you want XCM to create the task specified. Example, if you enter 15 in this field and the PE Date is 9/15 XCM will create the task 15 days after the PE date, on 9/30.
  3. Click Apply, to schedule your recurrence.
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