Error: "FileName: [Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Description', table 'MDSCommonDB3.Document.PortalFileAudit'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.]" after approving, then unpublishing, an Incoming File from a client's Portal

  • Article Type:
  • Problem Resolution
  • Last Modified:
  • 11/05/2022


"Document Central" & "FileName: xxxx.xxxx [Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Description', table 'MDSCommonDB3.Document.PortalFileAudit'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.]" after approving an Incoming File from a client's CCH Axcess™ Portal and then Unpublishing the same file from that CCH Axcess™ Portal.



  • CCH Axcess™ Portal  (Integrated) 2020-5.0.
  • CCH Axcess™ Document 2020-5.0.
  • CCH® ProSystem fx® Document (all versions).


Approving an Incoming File from a client's Portal and then Unpublishing the same file from that Portal incorrectly triggers the warning.


The product development team has verified:
  • The file will successfully unpublish from the Portal, but the error will display.
  • If the user has approved the file, checked it out and checked it in prior to unpublishing the file, the error won't display.
  • The workaround is to click OK and select to unpublish again or refresh the status; the status will reflect correctly.

Additional Information

This is currently scheduled to be corrected the night of Tuesday 11/09, so users should not experience this error as of Wednesday 11/10/2021.
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 Solution Id 000157729/000135753
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