How to use the Change Invoice Logo Location Utility in CCH® ProSystem fx® Practice Management

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 11/05/2022


This information explains why you need to use the Change Invoice Logo Location Utility and how to use it. 
*This utility is available starting in the 2020.20.01 release and higher. 
**This utility will not change any invoices that are currently being created (Billed, Edit, or Final statuses).  This utility will only fix Posted invoices.
***A backup of the database is highly recommended before starting this process. See our Backup directions if needed.
****Only run this utility when all users except yourself, have logged out of Practice Management.

This utility is needed after Practice Management has been migrated to a new server and the path to the image file in the header or footer of the invoice has changed.
View old invoices will look like the picture below:
What old invoices look like after Practice Management has been moved to a new server


CCH® ProSystem fx® Practice Management


Guidelines for using the utility:

Step 1: Find the NEW path according to Practice Management. This is done thru Help - About CCH ProSystem fx Practice Management - Additional Info and the RTF Path line, as seen below in the example:
User-added image
Make sure this path is the way all desktop machines see it.  Write this path down.

**Do not run the utility at the server if the workstation setup was ran through a local drive path. Rerun workstation setup at the server, using the same path desktop machines used, or run the utility at a workstation.

Step 2: Find the Original Location path. This is done by viewing an older invoice.  You can open Contact Management, select a client, go to the Invoices tab, select an older Invoice and then click the View Invoice button at the bottom of the window.
User-added image
Stretch the place holder out if needed so you can see most or all of the path, like above. Write this path down from the start and up thru the VPM folder name. 

Step 3: Run the utility by going to Administration - Utilities dropdown menu - Change Invoice Logo Location.

Step 4: Fill in the Original Location with the path you wrote down from step 2. You are only putting in enough information to have the Original Location verification path (located below the box you type in) match the image place holder (not including the actual picture file name).

Step 5: Fill in the New Location with the path written down from Step 1. Again, the part you type in should only be the server name or drive letter name.  The New Location verification path (located below the box you type in) should look exactly like what you wrote down from step 1. 

The information you enter should resemble the below picture:
User-added image

Step 6: After the New path is filled in, hit the Tab button on your keyboard. This will cause Practice Management to verify the path exist and is acceptable. Once the New Location is verified by Practice Management, the Update Path button will light up for you to click on. Click it when ready. 

*** IF you do not have the CPAS folder as part of either of your paths or used a $ in your path(s), use the appropriate checkbox(s) to have the verification path remove the CPAS folder from the path or add the $ into the path. Examples below:
User-added image


Additional Information

For correcting the Invoice Header that will be used on future invoices, please use: 
How do I add a logo to our invoice header in Prosystem fx Practice Management
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 Solution Id 000209040/How-to-use-the-Change-Invoice-Logo-Location-Utility-in-CCH-ProSystem-fx-Practice-Management
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