CCH Axcess Workflow - Staff Integration

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 03/26/2024


This article should provide an understanding of the appropriate steps to take to enable the integrations between CCH Axcess platform and CCH Axcess Workflow (formerly XCM). Please review the following steps prior to initiating the integration. 



  • CCH Axcess™
  • CCH Axcess™ Document
  • CCH Axcess™ Practice
  • CCH Axcess™ Tax
  • CCH Axcess™ Workflow


CCH Staff Integration

A. Summary of Staff Integration
B. Requirement/Prepare for Staff Integration
C. Phase I - To Enable the Staff Integration (Phase I)
D. Mapped Fields
E. Phase II of Staff Integration (Phase II)
F. CCH Axcess Workflow SSO enabled firms vs. staff Integration.
CCH Axcess Workflow Vs Axcess SSO Enabled firms.

A. Summary of Staff Integration

             The staff integration provides seamless staff management to save time for both administrators as well as users. Firms electing to use the integrations will start with the Staff Integration. Staff integration is necessary to leverage the Tax and Document integrations.

The Staff Integration has 3 primary features/steps:

  1. Linking Users between Axcess Workflow and CCH Axcess platform
  2. Linked users will use their CCH Axcess login method/credentials to log in to both systems.
  3. Automatically updating mapped fields between linked users from the Axcess platform to Workflow users.  (Including creating new users)

Once staff has been linked, users will be able to log in with their CCH Axcess™ credentials to gain access to both systems.  Users are linked automatically via the Integration Dashboard by matching the email address between both systems or through a double-prompt login process.  Licensing for all CCH Axcess™ products will be configured within the CCH Axcess™ Staff profiles, linked users will need to be

licensed for the CCH Axcess Workflow product to be authorized to access it.  
For staff that has been successfully linked, their profile data can now be managed from a single source, CCH Axcess™ Staff Manager.  Staff created and modified within CCH Axcess™  will be updated within CCH Axcess™ Workflow > Manage Users.
The fields that are mapped between the two systems will be disabled within the CCH Axcess™ Workflow user profile for linked users/staff.
The following staff profile information will be managed from a single location (CCH Axcess™ Staff Manager):


Axcess Workflow Axcess
First NameFirst Name
Middle Name / InitialMiddle Name / Initial
Last NameLast Name
Email / Login IDEmail
Employee IDStaff ID
Title / LevelTitle / Position
PhonePhone Number ( Primary ph number)


Primary Location - User-created from CCH Axcess Staff Manager will be automatically created in Axcess Workflow. In this single instance, the Office from the CCH Axcess will flow to the Axcess Workflow. (Other than this instance, in no other way the location will not be synced or updated in Axcess Workflow)

Note - Location can be manually updated in Axcess Workflow anytime 

B. Requirement/Prepare for Staff Integration

An automated comparison will review Workflow users and Axcess Staff by email to create the bridged profile. 
To prepare your users for the integration:

  • Update email addresses to match within both systems
    • For instances where there may be a mismatch, these users will have the opportunity to manually connect their profiles by successfully logging into both systems (a single time) when prompted.  This would need to be completed prior to the end of the grace period ( 60 days from the Integration started) 
  • **IMPORTANT**  Within CCH Axcess, add the license to the staff for Workflow. 
    • Once the staff is integrated, Workflow will check for the license within CCH Axcess Staff Manager to allow access.
    • The existing user in the Workflow, added to the CCH Axcess will be automatically synced with CCH Axcess Workflow post every successful sync schedule. But the Newly added (created) staff in CCH Axcess ( which is not present in the Workflow)  will not be auto-generated within CCH Axcess Workflow until the grace period is over (during 60 days). Post grace period (after 60 days), the newly added staff in CCH Axcess(which are not present in the workflow) will automatically be created within CCH Axcess Workflow in near real-time.

Integration Dashboard:
Normally, once the renewal for the firm is in place, the Staff Integration Dashboard will be turned on and the License for CCH Axcess Workflow License will be available.
Please make sure you have the user rights to view the Integration Dashboard. After assigning the user rights (Logout and Login back to view), if you not seeing the Integration Dashboard. Please contact CCH Axcess Workflow support

User Rights to view the Integration Dashboard:
Under Manage User Utility 


Please select the user and apply the below User right to the user to see the Integration Dashboard


Dashboard Icon and Integration Dashboard.


C. To Enable the Staff Integration

Phase 1

STEP 1:  Log into CCH Axcess Dashboard.  Assign licenses.   

  • Within CCH Axcess, select Dashboard > Applications > License and product access (under Security) 
  • Ctrl + click on all the staff you want to assign on the left 
  • Select Workflow product on the right 
  • Click [>] button. 
  • Click [Apply] and then [OK] to close.


**WARNING** Do NOT move to Step 2 until you have completed Step 1 or users will be unable to log into CCH Axcess Workflow.  


STEP 2: Start CCH Axcess Integration 
Start Integration 
Log into Axcess Workflow.  Once provided with the appropriate access users will be presented with the Integration Dashboard.

Clicking on the [Start Integration] button will start the process of allowing your staff to use the CCH Axcess  
authentication process and having common staff data flow from Axcess into Workflow.
  • If you are not ready to integrate you can click on the X or [Got it].   
  • To reopen the screen, select the Integration Dashboard icon at the top of the page. User-added image(Only the user having Integration Dashboard User rights can view this option).  

 Note: CCH Axcess Workflow - Practice Management Integration 6.0 and Axcess Staff Integration   (If you are using Practice Management 6.0, please review the Knowledge Base article) 

Grant Access 

Upon clicking Start Integration, a new webpage will open, asking you to “Grant” access.   

Before Granting  access, please go to the Data Settings > Location/Office Mappings.
Map the Ext location (Axcess) with Workflow Location. 


If there is only 1 office within both products, the integration will link these together and update moving forward.  Otherwise, the process will look for a matching name between products to link together. Compare your offices between products to make sure the names match. 

*WARNING* Comparison is by Office/Location Name.  If no match is found, the sync will create a new location based on the (unmatched/unlinked) office name  

(ex. Office = Denver will not auto match with Location = DEN. This would cause DEN and Denver to exist within Manage Locations after the Axcess Integration is started.) 

*NOTE* If you were previously using the an integration with CCH Axcess, and had multiple offices mapped to a single location, those mappings will still be supported.  If preferring to have the one-to-one office to location integration moving forward, the mappings can be removed for the updates to be picked up moving forward. 


Click on Add Mapping


Once the location mapped, now we can proceed with the Granting Axcess. 
Go to Settings tab

In order to Grant Access, the user needs to be set up as a Full Rights CCH Axcess user with licenses to the products to which you are integrating.  (Preferably included in all Client/Staff Access Groups in order to integrate all clients/staff). - Refer CCH Axcess Workflow (Axcess Practice Integration) Grant User full rights. 
  • Enter the User Name
  • Click on the Grant button
  • This will re-direct you to the Axcess Login page
  • Enter the Axcess credential to Grant the process 


After [Grant] has been completed, you can close this window.   
NOTE: Grant is allowing a bulk compare to happen (by user email) and will be used to establish the credentials for the automation with other integrations you have set up with CCH Axcess. 

Synchronization jobs will run every 6 hours to make sure your data matches between products.


Even if you do not Grant access for the automated bulk compare to occur, users will now be able to self-link upon login.  If the user logs in before the compare has been completed, then they will be asked to self-link.  Once linked, they will only log in with their CCH Axcess authentication process moving forward.   


Check Status 
Back on the Workflow webpage, you will have an updated Integration Dashboard icon (with a warning) User-added image that will show you how many staff have been integrated.  
To see a list of which staff are still pending, you can click on the blue # and this will give you an on-screen report of unlinked staff.   
  • The zzzAdmin is not one of your Axcess Staff and does not need to be set up in Axcess.  This is the Workflow account, web user. Every account has one for support purposes. 


**IMPORTANT** Unmatched users will only be allowed to Skip the self-linking until the grace period has been completed or the firm has indicated that there will be no more matches found. 
Any users not already in CCH Axcess Staff Manager, these users will need to be added prior to the end of this period. 


Users can be entered manually or imported from a spreadsheet using the Staff Import Utility within CCH Axcess (Dashboard > Applications > Utilities (under Firm)).

Once the new users have been added to CCH Axcess Staff Manager, the administrator will also need to assign a license to the users that will need access to Axcess Workflow. (Dashboard > Applications > License and Product access (under Security)). 


Additional Information

The existing user in the Workflow, added to the CCH Axcess will be automatically synced with CCH Axcess Workflow post every successful sync schedule.
But the 
Newly added (created) staff in CCH Axcess ( which is not present in the Workflow) will not be auto-generated within CCH Axcess Workflow until the grace period is over (during 60 days). Post grace period (after 60 days), the newly added staff in CCH Axcess (which are not present in the workflow) will automatically be created within CCH Axcess Workflow in near real-time.

If you need assistance with the import, please contact Axcess support. 

The license count in Axcess Workflow will not be considered post the Staff Integration started.  Whenever you create a user in the Axcess Staff Manager, it will be synced and created in the Workflow because synch jobs run every 6 hours and it will show the user as Active in the Workflow.

The workflow license will not be calculated based on the User Profile that appears in the Workflow, but rather on the Axcess Workflow Licenses that are assigned in the Axcess Staff Manager. 

Staff Integration - Staff Integration happens automatically as part of starting the integration.  Other than addressing staff that has mismatched email addresses, no additional steps need to be taken. 
D. Mapped Fields 
The fields that are mapped between the two systems will be disabled within the CCH Axcess™ Workflow user profile for linked users/staff.
The following staff profile information will be managed from a single location (CCH Axcess™ Staff Manager):


Primary Location - User-created from CCH Axcess Staff Manager will be automatically created in Axcess Workflow. In this single instance, the Office from the CCH Axcess will flow to the Axcess Workflow. (Other than this instance, in no other way the location will not be synced or updated in Axcess Workflow)

Note - Location can be manually updated in Axcess Workflow anytime 


E. Phase II

In phase I, the users will be allowed to Skip and log in to Workflow directly. 


 Post 60 days,  When the count zero's out


Once all users are linked and the "Complete" button is pressed.



The confirmation message will be pop-up to move to Phase II


In Phase II - The user will not have the option to skip and directly login to Workflow and do not have the ability to create a user ( ADD NEW USER ) from Manage User Utility. 

  • Unmatched users will only be allowed to Skip the self-linking until the grace period has been completed or the firm has indicated that there will be no more matches found. 
  • Any users not already in CCH Axcess Staff Manager, these users will need to be added prior to the end of this period. and need to be assigned with a License.

Assign licenses.   
  • Within CCH Axcess, select Dashboard > Applications > License and product access (under Security) 
  • Ctrl + click on all the staff you want to assign on the left 
  • Select Workflow product on the right 
  • Click [>] button. 
  • Click [Apply] and then [OK] to close 

ADD NEW USER option will be disabled

In Phase II, the CCH Axcess Staff Manager users will be synced and created in CCH Axcess Workflow. All users list will be shown in both places but whoever has the CCH Axcess Workflow Licence is only allowed to access the CCH Axcess Workflow. 



Revoke and Grant

When to REVOKE and GRANT, If you are seeing this message in your Dashboard. Please Revoke and Grant the credentials. 


In order to Revoke and Grant Access, the user needs to be set up as a Full Rights CCH Axcess user with licenses to the products to which you are integrating.  (Preferably included in all Client/Staff Access Groups in order to integrate all clients/staff). 

Integration Dashboard Warning Message 
  • Log into Workflow
  • And go to Integration Dashboard
  • Click on any hyperlink, which will re-direct you to the settings page. ( Client Linking or Document Mapping or Practice(Time) Integration)
(Clicking on the hyperlink for Client/Document/Time Integration will not direct to respective integration link, it will re-direct to the common settings page) 
  • On the pop-up select ‘Settings’ across the top of the page
  • Click [Revoke] and then [Grant] and enter their CCH Axcess credentials (Please ensure that the user that has completed the grant has access to all clients.  We recommend the firm default admin be used, but if that is not available, ensure the user is a member of the relevant Access Groups.)  

F. CCH Axcess Workflow SSO enabled firms Vs Staff Integration:

If the firm enables for SSO in CCH Axcess Workflow, starting the staff Integration will change their login method.

Once the user is Integrated with CCH Axcess Staff Manager.

In Phase I (for a 60-day countdown): Users can use both methods

1. They can follow the normal way of logging into Axcess Workflow using the SSO URL.
2. Using the Axcess Workflow URL directly or via the Axcess Dashboard workflow link and entering the Axcess Credentials.

In Phase II ( After completing 60 days) :

Firm CCH Axcess Workflow SSO will be automatically disabled and Integrated users only allowed to log in via the Axcess Dashboard link (or) Login URL by entering the Axcess Credentials. 

G. CCH Axcess Workflow Vs Axcess SSO Enabled firms.

           1. If the staff is Integrated, then the user will be enabled with the Axcess SSO.

         2. If the staff is not Integrated, then the user will be allowed to use the Axcess Workflow normal login method, after completing the 60-day grace period or completing the grace period they have to be Integrated to access the CCH Axcess Workflow. 


Integrating products (optional) 


In order to have the best experience with your integrations, please take a look at the following table to understand which features are required, not needed, or recommended. 

 * Although Axcess Client Integration is not required, it is beneficial to have to provide a more seamless workflow. 


NOTE: Consulting is required to help with Client and Practice (Time) Integrations. 

Related Articles:

Axcess Workflow - Tax Integration

Axcess Workflow - Document Integration (Auto Sync) - Axcess Practice

E-File Integration with CCH Axcess Workflow integration


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 Solution Id 000257388/Axcess-Workflow-Staff-Integration
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