CCH Axcess Workflow - Tax Integration

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 04/21/2023


This article should provide an understanding of the Tax Integration with CCH Axcess Tax and CCH Axcess Workflow.


CCH Axcess™ Tax
CCH Axcess™ Workflow



A. Summary
B. Preparation for Tax Integration
C. Prerequisites 

A. Summary
With the CCH Axcess Tax integration linked users can establish a link from the CCH Axcess™ Workflow Task Control Sheet to the CCH Axcess™ Tax Return.  This allows you to:

  • Automatically link the task to a CCH Axcess Tax return, when only one version of the return exists.
  • Select which CCH Axcess tax return to link when multiple versions exist.
  • Open the linked CCH Axcess Tax directly from the task (control sheet).

Integrated staff licensed for CCH Axcess™ Tax can link a CCH Axcess™ Tax Return to the CCH Axcess™ Workflow Task.   After the return is linked, a hyperlink of the return ID will appear next to the Manage Tax Returns button that allows the return to be opened directly from the Control Sheet saving you time from having to open up Axcess Tax and navigating to the client.

Single-version returns for the task year will automatically link to the return upon the initial opening of Manage Returns. If there are multiple versions or additional returns that need to be associated with the task, those will need to be linked manually from the Manage Tax Returns screen.

B. Preparation for Tax Integration

The user establishing the link to the Tax Return from the Control Sheet will need to be:
  • Integrated with CCH Axcess
  • Licensed for CCH Axcess Tax
  • Added to a security group within CCH Axcess with permissions to view returns

C. Prerequisites 

CCH Axcess Tax Returns can be associated with a Task from within the Control Sheet. 
  • Staff Integration (with CCH Axcess Tax License assigned) 
  • Client Profile includes Account Number 

For Staff Integration, please refer to  How to Enable Axcess Workflow Staff Integration

To link a Tax Return to a Task:
  • Open a "Task(Routing Sheet)" in Axcess Workflow.
  • Click on "Manage Tax Returns" at the top of the "Control Sheet/Routing Sheet".
  • Single-version returns for the task year will automatically link to the return upon initial opening of the "Manage Tax Returns" screen. 
In Axcess Workflow 


In Axcess Tax 


  • If there are multiple versions, or additional returns that need to be associated with the task, those will need to be linked manually by selecting "Link Tax Returns" within the "Manage Tax Return" pop-up.
Note: The fiscal year that matches with the Task Period End date in Workflow will be the default when linking a Tax Return to a Task. If you need to link a Return from the Prior Year, you may go to the Link Tax Return tab and change the current year to the prior year.



  • Clicking on the create link, will link the Tax Return(s) with the pop-up message " Tax Return(s) linked successfully"

  • Under "Tax Returns List" the linked tax returns will show up. 

  • To remove the linked Tax Return, Please click on the remove link icon under "Tax Returns List" and click on "Yes"


  • Selected Tax Return, removed from the Manage Tax Return window.

Note: Tax Tasks to be Linked Report added to Integration Dashboard. Provides a list of Tasks that do not currently have a Tax Return linked.
           Currently, there is no way to bulk link the "Tax Tasks to be linked" list, the only way to access it one by one and it will sync and disappear from the list.


Shows the list of Tax Tasks to be linked


If the Manage Tax Return is linked, the fields highlighted below are not allowed to modify until the Tax Returns are unlinked.



Additional Information

  Solution Tools
 Solution Id 000257523/Axcess-Workflow-Tax-Integration
 Direct Link
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