How do I repair a CCH® ProSystem fx® Knowledge Coach workpaper?

  1. Either synchronize the binder, or make a binder package of the binder as a backup prior to repairing the workpaper. 
  2. Verify that you are the current editor of the workpaper. 
    • Note: If you are not the current editor, and the workpaper' s current editor is , you will need to check out the workpaper. If the workpaper's current editor is another user, that user will need to check in the workpaper so you can check it out, or that user can repair the workpaper. 
  3. Close all Knowledge Coach workpapers. 
  4. Highlight the Knowledge Coach workpaper to be repaired. 
    • Warning! Repairing Microsoft Excel Knowledge Coach workpapers, or a risk in a Microsoft Excel Knowledge Coach workpaper, will clear any comments, notations, or customization in that workpaper. Microsoft Excel Knowledge Coach workpapers are not meant to be repaired.
  5. Click Tools > Repair Knowledge Coach Workpaper
  6. Select the "Repair workpaper" option and click Repair
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