How do I create invoices in CCH Axcess™ Practice?

​The video below shows how to create an invoice or detail bill that includes time and expenses in CCH Axcess™ Practice. It also shows how you can apply prepaid progress or retainer amounts against the invoice balance.

To create an invoice, do the following:

  1. In Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel.
  2. Click Bill WIP under Billing & Invoicing.
  3. Select one of the following tabs, depending on how you want to bill.
    • Clients. Use this tab to create invoices for individual clients. By default, the list includes all clients who have WIP and for whom you are the client responsible staff.
    • Client Billing Groups. Use this tab to create invoices for billing groups. By default, the list includes all billing groups that have WIP and for whom you are the client responsible staff.
    • Projects. This option is only available if your firm licenses CCH Axcess™ Workstream. Use this tab to create invoices for projects. By default, the list includes completed projects for which you have an assigned role.
  4. Locate the client, billing group, or project for which you want to create an invoice. Some tools available to help you locate the correct entry include:
    • Search. Enter the client ID or client name in the Search and bill box in the upper right corner.
    • Tab filters. Click the filter button at the top of the tab to change the filters used to select which items display on the tab.
    • List filters. Use the filters at the top of each column to narrow the list of items even further.
  5. Select Actions > Bill next to the client, billing group, or project for which you are creating an invoice.
  6. Make any of the following billing decisions as needed:
    • Change the bill-through date. Enter a new date in the Override bill through date field.
    • Select work in progress (WIP) to bill for.
      1. In the list, select the check boxes for the WIP items that you want to bill for.
      2. Click Bill.
      3. Verify and, if needed, adjust the billing amounts.
      4. Click Apply to save your changes and return to the WIP grid.
    • Apply previously paid progress against the invoice balance. Enter an amount in the Apply box to apply all or some of the available progress amount to this invoice. The amount available for application to WIP displays in the Available column in the Progress box.
      • Note: You must select WIP amounts to bill for before you can apply progress.
    • Bill for additional progress. Enter a progress bill amount in the Create box.
    • Override the sales tax options.
      1. Select the check boxes for the WIP items for which you want to override sales tax.
      2. Click 123 in the Sales Tax section.
      3. Update the amount in the Sales Tax column to enter the sales tax override amount.
      4. Click OK.
  7. Click Edit Invoice. 
  8. Edit the content and formatting of the invoice as needed. Among other features, you can:
    • Change the client address to be printed on the invoice.
    • Enter an invoice title and invoice review notes.
    • Add or remove sections on the invoice.
    • Select a different template for the invoice.
    • Select a different font for the invoice.
  9. If needed, click Preview to view the invoice.
  10. Do any of the following as needed to complete the invoice:
    • Click Save > Save and Close to save the invoice.
    • Click Print > Edit to print a draft invoice.
    • Click Print > Final if the invoice is ready to be sent to the client.
    • Click Post to post the final invoice.
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