How do I create a new user in TaxWise®?

To create a new user in TaxWise:

  1. Log into TaxWise as Admin.
  2. Click Tools > Utilities/Setup Assistant.
  3. Click Setup > Setup Assistant.
  4. Click Groups & Users > New.
  5. Enter the following information: 
    • User name. Enter the new user name.
    • Password. Enter the user's desired password.
    • Assigned group. Select the role this user has in the software.
      • Note: Assigned group's actions displays the rights that are permitted for the assigned group that you selected.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save and Close.

Additional Information

Para obtener la versión en español de este artículo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aquí: ¿Cómo creo un nuevo usuario en TaxWise®?
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