Using the Re-Download Forms in Marked Returns feature in ATX™.

  1. To re-download forms in certain returns
  2. In the Return Manager, mark the returns whose forms you want to replace.
  3. On the Support menu, select Customer Service Utilities then, select Re-Download Forms in Marked Returns.
  4. . All the forms in the return will then be checked. If you do not want to replace a specific form, simply clear the check box for that form.
  5. Click Re-Download Forms. to delete any corrupt forms in the return and replace them with updated ones.
  6. To view the list of updated forms, click the Form Update Report link, and then select the Forms tab.
​​​​​​​Note: When the process is complete, the Update Results dialog lists the forms that were updated.
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 Solution Id 000189963/14202
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