How do I reset a user's password in CCH® iFirm?

CCH iFirm users have the capability to reset their own passwords by using the Forgot your password? link on the login page. Should a user have trouble with the process, the Admin user can reset the password manually by doing the following:
  1. Sign in as Admin
  2. Click Settings > Security.
  3. Select User Manager.
  4. Click the user's name to open the Edit User menu.
  5. Click Reset Password.


  • An email will be sent to that user with a temporary password to log in to iFirm.
  • The user will be prompted to create a new password upon log in.
For more information on passwords, see the following:
  Solution Tools
 Solution Id 000179724/How-do-I-reset-a-user-password-in-CCH-iFirm
 Direct Link
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