How do I opt out of the 2-Step Verification for ATX™, Taxwise® Support Site and TaxWise® Online for users?

  • Article Type:
  • How To
  • Last Modified:
  • 11/05/2022


Important: The admin username is required to always have 2-Step verification (MFA) enabled, if you want to disable this for a different username, please follow the steps below: 

To opt out or disable the 2-step verification process for ATX and TaxWise Solution Centers and TaxWise Online.

Only users with admin rights can disable 2-Step Verification for users, but are not able to disable it for the Admin account. The Admin account can never have 2-Step Verification removed. 

Note: It is not recommend to disable this feature, both because of the added security it provides, as well as the chance to become acclimated with this process before the IRS requires this step.


  • TaxWise Online
  • TaxWise Solution Center
  • ATX Solution Center


To opt out or disable the 2-step verification process:
  1. Login to the solution center. 
  2. Click on Manage Users at the top of the page.
  3. Click the Manage 2-Step Verification link.
  4. Uncheck the box at the top that says: Enable 2-Step Verification.

Additional Information

For more information on on 2-Step Verification, see our solution on what is Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).

Para obtener la versión en español de este artículo de Knowledge Base, haga clic aquí: ¿Cómo cancelar la verificación en dos pasos para TaxWise® Online y TaxWise® Solutions Center?
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 Solution Id 000221224/000094337
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