How do I implement eContent code in CCH® Site Builder?

CCH Site Builder eContent will Simple iframe content will work on HTTPS. The Advanced code will work on HTTPS if your change the URLs in our snippets to use HTTPS. 

To implement the eContent Simple iframe code, complete the following:
    1. Call Site Builder Support to make sure the domain is added to our control panel. 
    2. Log in to
    3. Configure settings.
    4. Click Finalize Site. (If you do not have a Finalize button it is because we do not have your domain in our control panel, see step 1.)
    5. Click Simple iframe
    6. Choose the code to implement.
    7. Copy and paste it to appropriate pages.
    Please see this article about Simple iframes. CCH® Site Builder eContent Simple iframe snippets give HTTP ERROR 400

    To implement the eContent Advanced code, complete the following:
    1. Call Site Builder Support to make sure the domain is added to our control panel. 
    2. Log in to
    3. Configure settings.
    4. Click Finalize Site. (If you do not have a Finalize button it is because we do not have your domain in our control panel, see step 1.)
    5. Click Download eContent Files.  If you have previously been serving up HTTP pages and are now implementing on HTTPS, re-download this file.
    6. The contents of this ZIP file MUST be uploaded to the root folder of your hosting/public folder for your site.
    7. Scroll down and choose the code to implement.
    8. Copy and paste it to appropriate pages.

    About the ZIP file.
    The following folders included in this zip file contain files that will need to be uploaded to the root of the site:

    • cch_css
    • cch_images
    • cch_js

    The "cch_key" folder must also be uploaded at the root.

    • These files are required for code to function properly.
    • If using a Windows server, add ".txt" to the end of the "cch_key" file.
      • The new file name should be "cch_key.txt."      

    The "Advanced Code" can be altered accordingly.

    • The "iframe code" is pre-formatted and cannot be changed.

    If experiencing technical difficulties implementing the eContent code provided, complete the following:

    1. Upload the eContent files and folders to the root directory.
    2. Upload the CCH Key to the root directory.
    3. Provide the domain or test domain to Site Builder Support.
    4. Delete all but one jQuery library reference.
    5. Ensure the jQuery reference is called before or above the eContent and jQuery UI. 
    6. Wordpress Users must also complete the following as the Text HTML window of a template almost always re-formats the CCH code snippet and adds

      marks into the code: 
      • Install a code inserter plugin. Select one that shows 1) recent updates, and 2) good ratings. Examples are Shortcoder and Hana Code Insert plugins. However, Hana Code has not had updates for several years.
      • The "Rocket" theme will not function with current code.
    7. The 3.5.1 snippets are design to be neutral to HTTP and HTTPS by starting with //. In some instances you may find explicit usage of HTTPS is needed.
      • NEUTRAL: src="//" style="width: 100%; height: 900px"
      • EXPLICIT: src="" style="width: 100%; height: 900px">
    Note: It is critical that the CCH control panel has the proper domain name. If working in a test environment, this domain or sub-domain needs to be available publicly with no username/password requirement. Additionally, notify CCH Site Builder of this test domain by sending an email to Include Site Builder account number in the Subject line of the email 
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